Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hello! :]

Photography is something I love & don't do enough. I wanted to start this blog to share my pictures & motivate myself to take pictures! I will try & post new pictures each month. To start out, here are some photos I've taken in the past:
The Beach!
Westport, WA

Puyallup River
Puyallup, WA

Ellensburg, WA


Holy Cross Cemetery
Ellensburg, WA


  1. Thanks for the blog, I love your pictures!

  2. Logan you are sooo good!!! I love all of them. That one with the tree with lights on it is so cool, never seen one like that!!! Keep it up, lovin' the blog!

  3. Logan,
    For a moment I thought that Westport was an awesome town but then I remembered it was on the Washington coast!ha
    Of course my favorit is the E-Burg takes me there...Thanks the pic's are amazing.

  4. yay! can't wait until you take my engagement pics. [: ps: im cute.
